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SAP Transaction VA15: A Comprehensive Guide for SAP Users

SAP Transaction VA15: A Comprehensive Guide for SAP Users

Welcome to our tutorial on SAP transaction VA15, a crucial transaction code used in SAP Sales and Distribution (SD) module. In this tutorial, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to effectively utilize VA15 for managing sales orders in your SAP system. Whether you are a novice SAP user or an experienced consultant looking to expand your knowledge, this tutorial will equip you with the necessary skills to navigate through VA15 seamlessly.

Before we delve into the details, we would like to introduce you to a valuable resource that can enhance your SAP SD skills and help you become an expert in the field. Check out the SAP SD online video training offered by our expert SAP SD consultant, available at roadtoexpert.com. This comprehensive training program will provide you with in-depth knowledge and practical insights to boost your proficiency in SAP SD and accelerate your career growth.

Now, let’s begin our tutorial on using SAP transaction VA15.

What is SAP Transaction VA15?

SAP Transaction VA15 (Inquiries) is a key transaction code used in SAP SD to manage and process customer inquiries. It allows users to create, change, and display inquiries, which are requests from customers for information about products or services. With VA15, you can effectively manage and track customer inquiries, ensuring timely responses and accurate sales order creation.

Step 1: Accessing SAP Transaction VA15

To start using VA15, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your SAP system using your user ID and password.
  2. Launch the SAP Easy Access Menu.
  3. Navigate to the “Sales and Distribution” folder and expand it.
  4. Locate and click on the “Sales” folder.
  5. From the sub-menu, select “Inquiry” and click on “Inquiry” again to proceed to the VA15 transaction.

Step 2: Understanding VA15 Transaction Screen

Once you have accessed VA15, you will encounter the VA15 transaction screen, which consists of various fields and tabs. Let’s explore each of them:

  • Selection Criteria: This section allows you to enter specific search criteria, such as customer, material, or sales organization, to narrow down the list of inquiries.
  • Inquiry Overview: Here, you can view and manage the list of inquiries that match your search criteria. Each inquiry represents a customer request for information about products or services.
  • Document Flow: This tab provides an overview of the entire document flow for a selected inquiry, showing its related sales documents, such as quotations or sales orders.
  • Item Overview: In this tab, you can view and manage the line items of a selected inquiry. Each line item represents a specific product or service requested by the customer.
  • Partner Functions: The partner functions tab displays the relevant partner information associated with the selected inquiry, such as the customer contact person or the sales representative.

Step 3: Processing Inquiries with VA15

Processing inquiries is a common operation performed using VA15. It involves reviewing and responding to customer inquiries. Here’s how you can process inquiries using VA15:

  1. Start by entering the necessary selection criteria in the “Selection Criteria” section:

    • Customer: Enter the customer number or use the search function to find it.
    • Material: If applicable, enter the material number or use the search function to find it.
    • Sales Organization: Select the relevant sales organization for processing the inquiries.

  2. Click on the “Execute” button to retrieve the list of inquiries that match your search criteria.
  3. Select a specific inquiry from the list to view its details, such as the customer’s request and any previous communication.
  4. Review the inquiry and prepare a response to the customer’s request. You can provide information about product availability, pricing, or any other relevant details.
  5. If the customer decides to place an order based on the inquiry, you can convert the inquiry into a sales order by selecting the relevant line item and clicking on the “Create Sales Order” button.
  6. Once you have processed the inquiry, click on the “Save” button to record your response and any subsequent actions taken.

Congratulations! You have successfully processed customer inquiries using SAP transaction VA15.

Step 4: Exploring Additional Functionality

SAP transaction VA15 offers various additional functionalities to streamline your sales order processing. Here are some notable features you can leverage:

  • Change Inquiries: VA15 allows you to modify existing inquiries. You can edit fields such as customer information, material details, or any other relevant information. Simply select the inquiry you wish to change and click on the “Change Inquiry” button.
  • Display Inquiries: Use VA15 to display existing inquiries by entering the inquiry number or other relevant criteria. This allows you to review past inquiries and track the communication history with customers.
  • Print Inquiries: VA15 enables you to print inquiries for documentation or communication purposes. You can generate a PDF or a physical copy of the inquiry by selecting the relevant inquiry and clicking on the “Print” button.
  • Release Inquiries: If an inquiry is on hold or requires approval, you can release it for further processing. Simply select the inquiry and click on the “Release Inquiry” button to proceed with the processing.


In this tutorial, we have provided you with a comprehensive guide on using SAP transaction VA15 in the SAP SD module. We covered the basics of VA15, explained how to process inquiries, and explored additional functionalities. Remember, continuous learning and practice are key to becoming proficient in SAP SD.

To further enhance your skills in SAP SD, we highly recommend our SAP SD online video training, designed by our expert SAP SD consultant. This training program offers comprehensive modules and hands-on exercises to help you become an SAP SD expert. Visit roadtoexpert.com to learn more and take your SAP SD skills to new heights.

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