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SAP Transaction VOV8: A Step-by-Step Tutorial for SAP Users

SAP Transaction VOV8: A Step-by-Step Tutorial for SAP Users

Welcome to our tutorial on SAP transaction VOV8, a crucial transaction code used in SAP Sales and Distribution (SD) module. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of using VOV8 to configure the sales document types in your SAP system. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced SAP user, this tutorial will provide you with detailed instructions and concrete examples to effectively utilize VOV8.

Before we get started, we would like to introduce you to a valuable resource that can enhance your SAP SD skills and help you become an expert in the field. Check out our SAP SD online video training, provided by an experienced SAP SD consultant. This training program, available at roadtoexpert.com, offers comprehensive modules and practical examples to boost your proficiency in SAP SD and advance your career.

Now, let’s dive into our tutorial on using SAP transaction VOV8.

What is SAP Transaction VOV8?

SAP Transaction VOV8 is used to configure sales document types in the SAP SD module. Sales document types define the structure and behavior of sales orders, quotations, and contracts in your SAP system. With VOV8, you can customize various aspects of sales document types, including item categories, pricing procedures, and schedule line categories, to meet your organization’s specific requirements.

Step 1: Accessing SAP Transaction VOV8

To start using VOV8, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your SAP system using your user ID and password.
  2. Launch the SAP Easy Access Menu.
  3. Navigate to the “Sales and Distribution” folder and expand it.
  4. Locate and click on the “Sales” folder.
  5. From the sub-menu, select “Sales Documents” and click on “Sales Document Header” to proceed to the VOV8 transaction.

Step 2: Configuring Sales Document Types with VOV8

Once you have accessed VOV8, you will be presented with the sales document types configuration screen. This screen allows you to customize the various settings for each sales document type. Let’s explore the key fields and options:

  • Sales Document Type: This field identifies the sales document type you want to configure. You can select an existing document type or create a new one.
  • Item Categories: Here, you can define the item categories that are allowed for the selected sales document type. Item categories determine the behavior and processing of items in sales documents.
  • Pricing Procedure: This option allows you to assign a pricing procedure to the sales document type. Pricing procedures determine how prices and discounts are calculated for sales documents.
  • Schedule Line Categories: In this section, you can assign schedule line categories to the sales document type. Schedule line categories determine how the system proposes delivery dates and quantities for items in sales documents.
  • Texts: This option enables you to define default texts that will appear in sales documents of the selected type. You can specify texts for header, item, and schedule line levels.
  • Partner Determination: Here, you can configure partner determination settings for the sales document type. Partner determination determines which partners (such as sold-to party, ship-to party, and bill-to party) are relevant for a sales document.
  • Output Determination: This section allows you to configure output determination settings for the sales document type. Output determination determines how and when the system generates outputs (such as order confirmations and invoices) for sales documents.

Step 3: Saving and Activating the Configuration

Once you have customized the settings for the sales document type in VOV8, you need to save and activate the configuration. Follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Save” button to save your changes.
  2. To activate the configuration, click on the “Activate” button.

By saving and activating the configuration, the changes you made in VOV8 will be applied to the corresponding sales document type in your SAP system.


In this tutorial, we have provided you with a comprehensive guide on using SAP transaction VOV8 to configure sales document types in the SAP SD module. We explained the purpose of VOV8, walked you through the steps of accessing and using the transaction, and highlighted key fields and options. Remember, continuous learning and practice are essential for mastering SAP SD.

To further enhance your skills in SAP SD, we highly recommend our SAP SD online video training, delivered by an expert SAP SD consultant. This training program offers in-depth modules and real-world examples to help you become an SAP SD expert. Visit roadtoexpert.com to learn more and take your SAP SD skills to the next level.

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